Tuesday, July 10, 2007

National Action Network Forces Santa Claus to Stop Using the Word 'Ho'..

"Ho, Ho, Ho" To Become 'Hey, Hey, Hey" ????
Fresh off his attack on website TMZ.com for referring to Beyonce's recent outfit as "Roboho", National Action Network leader Al Sharpton has now set his sights on another OWG (Old White Guy) who overuses the term 'Ho'.......... Santa Claus !!
Sharpton has put a crinkle in Kris Kringle's gig every December 25th. "WTF?? I've just gone from a beloved icon to a Fat Albert rip-off !!", Santa sent out in an e-mail from the North Pole. "This witch hunt has gone too far. What's next? Banning garden tools? (Hoe). Thank God Don Ho just passed away......... no doubt Sharpton would be on his ukelele too."
Sharpton was not apologetic. "We here at National Action Network.net are going to end the use of this derogatory term..... in all it's forms. We urge everyone to go to National Action Network.net and join us at National Action Network.net to assist in National Action Network.net's goal of ending racism in all forms - at least those that we at National Action Network.net find offensive."
While relatives of Don Ho were unavailable for comment, we asked a guy at Lowe's for a comment on the possible banning of H... uh, those tool thingys. "Honestly, we don't sell too many Ho... most people like them power tillers now anyway."
Possible Replacement Terms for Santa:
Hey, Hey, Hey.
Yo, Yo, Yo.
Hi, Hi, Hi.
Oy, Oy, Oy.
Oui, Oui, Oui.
Ollie, Ollie, Oxen Free.


Anonymous said...

YO, HO, HO, Pirates again' Sharpton be formin on th' poop deck to keel haul the obudrate ho' monger an poverty pimp

Anonymous said...

de do do do, de da da da

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Argh Rhino, ya lilly-livered scoundrel !! Ya best be findin' another way of speakin' there. Might I suggest " Yo hey, hey and a bottle of Rum".

Anonymous said...

Yo? Mr. moye, I think we be keel haulin Mikey boy here, 'cauzin he talkin funny or maybe we maroon him? Whaat think ye?


Anonymous said...

Yo? Mr. moye, I think we be keel haulin Mikey boy here, 'cauzin he talkin funny or maybe we maroon him? Whaat think ye?


Anonymous said...

WR you are right about Mikey boy I am up here on the Kankakee river right now with some real pirates.

Thoroughbred 401k said...

Must be that Yankee accent of mine..

Anonymous said...

I did visit a Frank Lloyd Wright home yesterday on the Kankakee.

Anonymous said...

Rev. sharpton : please tell me what happened to the boycott of BP gas/oil company also the legal action??